($5.00/ea.) [Sold Out]



-I am 18 years of age or older.

-I hereby release and save harmless the Cincinnati Board of Park Commissioners and its employees from any and all liability for any injuries, loss, or other claims arising out of this program.

- I give permission for my family/organized group to be photographed and for his/her picture to be used without identification or compensation in Park publications.

-If you cannot attend, we may have a waiting list and can assist you in transferring your spot to another family by calling us at 321-6208. Transfers made without approval by Cincinnati Parks may not be honored.

-In the event that the program is either cancelled or postponed, Cincinnati Parks will make every effort to contact every patron via e-mail, time permitting. While we regret the inconvenience caused by these circumstances, Cincinnati Parks cannot be held responsible for any cost or damage such postponement or cancellation may incur. All patrons purchasing from Cincinnati Parks must do so in the light of the above limitations.



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RegFox Event Registration Software